Abbeyline Community Rail Partnership

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Historical Model Railway Society

This Society describes itself thus:  "HMRS is an active Society and Educational Charity with worldwide membership. Its objectives are to provide support to those interested in historically accurate railway modelling and through its publications, library, archives, drawings, photography collections and company stewards to provide information and answer questions from modeller's and railway historians alike."

It has a wide range of resources including plans, photos and publications. The latter includes "Midland Style" on various facets of the Midland Railway, which has proved most helpful at times when we've been working on the box or exhibits. Their headquarters are on the Midland Railway - Butterley site in the Midlands.

National Railway Heritage Awards

The restoration of the box won us the Invensys Rail Signalling (Structures) award in 2010. This website details how the award system works.

Railway Heritage Trust

The Railway Heritage Trust helped to fund our restoration at St Albans South, so here is the link to their website.

They published a new guidance document on signal boxes in October 2020 - see which features us on the back page.